My name is Angie Hodge. I fell in love with face painting after attending a "Dream Night at the Zoo" in Utah while my daughter was in the hospital. Many face painters from the area came and painted kids' faces at the zoo and it was so magical! Inspired, I dabbled in face painting at home with my own kids. I volunteered to help with face paint at my kids' school carnival. When the regular face-painters for the carnival had to cancel last-minute, I was it! I jumped in with both feet and have loved every minute since! Creating a magical experience for kids is the name of the game and it is the best job ever!
About our Paints and Glitters
I often get questions about what types of face paints and glitters we use. We use professional face paints and glitters from top face paint brands including: TAG, Diamond FX, Superstar, FAB, Wolfe, Fusion, Amerikan Body Art, Glimmer Body Art, and Mehron. There other professional brands we use occasionally---there are too many to list here, but contact us if you have further questions!
We are always happy to answer questions! Please contact us any time. Please note that we are not available for events on Sundays. Thanks!